Aurora Mental Health & Recovery (AMHR) is dedicated to fostering hope and healing through compassionate, quality care. Aurora Mental Health & Recovery Homeless Services program provides people in need with mental and behavioral health care, crisis services, case management, and other services designed to improve their chances of attaining long-term housing security.
A Community-Based Approach
Unhoused individuals often develop a distrust of the programs and organizations that exist to meet their needs. This may be the result of negative experiences they have had with the authorities and bureaucracies they have encountered. For this reason, we believe in engaging people where they are and providing care on their terms.
Our Street Outreach team is in the community, engaging people where they live and congregate. We focus on meeting people’s immediate needs first. Then, we build relationships and trust with our clients, enabling us to provide clinical case management and individual therapy.
Where Culture Meets Care
To meet the needs of our diverse community, our services are available in dozens of languages from all over the world. Our clients have access to professional interpretation services for all our services. It is our goal to provide culturally sensitive care to every client we serve.
Meaningful Connections
The circumstances that lead to a person becoming unhoused are often complicated and may require a broad set of solutions to solve. We partner with the state and local government as well as other community organizations to connect clients with the resources they need to succeed. We provide mentorship and case management to guide clients through the process of seeking help.
Easy Access to Services
The Aurora Mental Health & Recovery Homeless Services Drop-In Center located at 1544 Elmira St. Aurora, CO 80010 is a critical access point for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the Aurora community.
Homeless Services Drop-In Center Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Wednesday | 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
We provide coffee, food, clothing, hygiene, medical supplies and medication management, and other supplies to unhoused clients when available. We also offer a safe space for clients to nap, shower, and do laundry.
Drop-In Center Services Include:
- Access to information and referrals
- Individual therapy
- Case management
- Coordination with medical and employment services
Housing Navigation & Support
We provide clients with case management to help them obtain housing vouchers from sources such as the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These vouchers may be used to secure housing with AMHR’s short-term and step-down residential programs or housing options in the community.
Depending on their needs and preferences, our Homeless Services program provides supportive services for mental health, substance use, medical needs, and more – in the client’s residence or community.
We All Thrive Together
Our outreach, intervention, and prevention efforts help ease the burden placed on Aurora’s emergency services, criminal justice system, and rehabilitation facilities. With our help, our clients become successful and productive members of the community.
You Can Help
Our Homeless Services Drop-In Center accepts in-kind donations of goods such as non-perishable food, clothing, toiletries, and more. You can learn more ways to donate to Aurora Mental Health & Recovery at
Contact Homeless Services
Aurora Mental Health & Recovery
Homeless Services
1544 Elmira St. Aurora, CO 80010
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please visit our Walk-in Crisis Clinic located at 2206 Victor Street in Aurora, 24/7/365.
Are you feeling overwhelmed and need to talk? Call us at 303.617.2300, 24/7/365.