Making a Donation

One in four Americans will face a mental health crisis in their lifetime. These individuals are your family members, your neighbors, and your friends. We are on a mission to change that and we humbly and gratefully recognize we are not in this alone.

If you would like to help us continue to offer critical mental health services to anyone who needs quality care, please consider making a tax-deductible financial gift to Aurora Mental Health & Recovery. Your support will help community members inspire courage and build hope.

To learn more about the difference you can make, or to explore making a memorial gift, tribute gift, or planned giving, please contact (303) 552-6291 or send an email to [email protected].

AMHR is a 501C3 organization and your donations are tax-deductible.

Cash & Check Donations

All checks should be made out to Aurora Mental Health & Recovery. Please, do not send cash donations through the mail.

Mail checks to:

Aurora Mental Health & Recovery
1290 Chambers Road
Aurora, CO 80011

Please call (303) 552-6291 to arrange cash investments.

Matching Gifts

We recognize the value and the power of our community partnerships. Many employers offer the opportunity to match an employee’s charitable investment. This is a wonderful way to strengthen your impact and provide us with the necessary resources to assist more people.

Support a Student

Did you know?

  • $10 provides educational activities for family literacy
  • $20 provides one book for a citizenship student
  • $50 sponsors one student working toward citizenship
  • $125 provides one laptop for a student
  • $175 sponsors one GED student for a year

Holiday Toy Drive at Alton St. Center

Support Denver Metro's refugee community. Donate a new toy today! Deadline is Dec. 6, 2024.

Toy donations benefit the children of Aurora Mental Health & Recovery's Adult Education Program, a local nonprofit serving the immigrant and refugee community.

Shop Our Amazon Wish List: ‘AMHR Adult Ed Toy Drive’

For More Information, contact Lizbeth Jacobs at (303) 923-6503 or [email protected].

Help spread the word by downloading and sharing our Holiday Toy Drive Flyer!

Donor Privacy

We use return email addresses to answer the email we receive. Such addresses are not used for any other purpose and are not shared with outside parties.

We never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in a way unrelated to the ones described in this policy without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

Commitment to Data Security

To access, review, or correct any errors in your personally identifiable information, please email [email protected].

The information presented here is of a general nature and should not be construed as legal, accounting, or tax advice. Every taxpayer’s situation is different. The descriptions and examples provided may not be applicable to every taxpayer’s specific circumstances, which could require the consideration of other tax and non-tax factors. Please consult a tax advisor prior to taking any action based on this information.