Another step closer to one-stop mental health care in Aurora. On Tuesday, March 21st, Congressman Jason Crow (CO-06) presented Aurora Mental Health & Recovery with $2 million to benefit AMHR’s upcoming Crisis and Acute Care Center. This comes as part of a larger package of $11.6 million in community project funding secured by Congressman Crow through the Fiscal Year 2023 government appropriations process to directly benefit residents of Colorado’s 6th Congressional District.

"We are so grateful to Congressman Crow for prioritizing the importance of access to behavioral health services and acute care in Aurora through the Congressionally Directed Spending process. This $2 million puts us one step closer to full funding for our new Crisis and Acute Care Center, allowing us to better provide critical emergency services for so many in need at one location, with no wrong door,” said Kelly Phillips-Henry, CEO of Aurora Mental Health & Recovery.

“This funding supports Colorado’s families, vulnerable communities, and new residents,” said Congressman Crow. “Together, we’re improving our library, delivering safe and accessible drinking water, uplifting our vulnerable and unhoused neighbors, and prioritizing our communities’ mental health.”
Crisis and Acute Care Center

AMHR (formerly AuMHC) purchased a 7.3-acre property at 1290 S. Potomac in mid-2020 to build a new facility to house crisis and acute care mental health services in Aurora, Colorado.
Our objective is to provide “one-stop” access for mental health and substance use crisis and acute care in Aurora.
To achieve this, we plan to relocate our walk-in crisis services (WIC), crisis stabilization unit (CSU), and substance use intervention and withdrawal management (detox) services, currently located at 2206 Victor Street on the Anschutz Medical Campus. We will also host our Connect to Care (same-day services), currently at 791 Chambers Road, on this property. This will require the construction of a new facility to fully accommodate these co-locations.
Given our service history, current service trends, and projected improvements in access and coordination, we anticipate serving more than 10,000 community members at this location in its first year of operation.
The Total Estimated Cost of the project is $38,400,000 – so every dollar counts to help deliver this state-of-the-art care center for our diverse community.
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